Religia kopimi – recunoscuta in Suedia si care duce copiatul mult mai departe!

Va plangeati ca e rau cand sunteti copiati?

Sau va deranja copiatul in sine?

Cum ar fi daca v-as spune ca exista o religie – pe bune! – care a si fost recunoscuta in Suedia si care duce copiatul mult mai departe decat v-ati gandi? (ca in genericul de la Star trek – The next generation 🙂 ).

Asadar, “The missionary kopimistsamfundet is a religious group centered in Sweden who believe that copying and the sharing of information is the best and most beautiful that is.”.

Ideea este asadar ca lucrurile, ideile etc. pot fi preluate, reinterpretate, rescrise. Conteaza insa ca mesajul si informatia sa ajunga mai departe.

Mai aflam, tot oficial, ca “For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament. Information holds a value, in itself and in what it contains, and the value multiplies through copying. Therefore, copying is central for the organisation and its members.

Being recognized by the state of Sweden is a large step for all of kopimi. Hopefully, this is one step towards the day when we can live out our faith without fear of persecution, says Isak Gerson, spiritual leader of the Church of Kopimism.

The Church of Kopimism is a religious organisation with roots from 2010. The organisation formalizes a community that’s been well spread for a long time already. The community of kopimi requires no formal membership. You just have to feel a calling to worship what is the holiest of the holiest, information and copy. To do this, we organize kopyactings – religious services – where the kopimists share information with eachother through copying and remix.“. Gasiti de altfel aceste date in comunicatul oficial aici.

Despre implicatiile legate ale recunoasterii acestei religii (care chiar nu trebuie luata ca o gluma) puteti citi mai multe in acest articol.


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