Cumperi unul, primesti unul gratuit: Porsche sau Gafa mare de marketing

Super promotii si mega-oferte se lanseaza mereu. Vanzarile cresc si ele cu aceasta ocazie.

Ofertele speciale trebuie insa gandite cu grija – altfel se pot dovedi pagubitoare – asa cum ilustreaza si cazul prezentat astazi.

Am primit de la Dan Stefan (de la Scorpion) un email cu acest caz:

“Porsche dealer – “I got it wrong with the buy one get one free card”.

Glen Fergusson – Sales and Marketing manager for a brand new Californian Porsche dealer. Has lost his job and faces possible legal proceedings as the company strives to reclaim the costs of the 18 Porsches given away free under Glen’s Opening day “buy one get one free promotion” “I admit I didn’t really do the numbers properly on this one” said Glen who told reporters that he had “seen the concept work really well for coffee stores” and in terms of numbers you could argue that Glen’s campaign worked. As the new Porsche dealer sold 18 Porsches in the first hour of the store opening.

It took the head office a full hour to realise what was going on and subsequently shut the store.

Local man Bruce Stepper took out a second mortgage on his home after getting a promotional flyer in his mailbox. “I am ecstatic – I brought a shiny red Porsche today, got another one free and I have sold just sold it on EBay, all up I end up getting a Porsche 911 for $5000”

A red faced Glen stated “I have never really been too good at Math and I was sure the whole time we were making money – I was initially blown away by the amount of cars we were selling in that first hour. I had seen the “buy one get one free card” work extremely well for the new coffee shop down the road and thought what a great idea I will try it here.”

National spokesman for the dealership chain was quoted as saying “We are just glad that the idiot didnʼt have time to run with his ‘test drive 5 cars, get one free loyalty stamp card’ campaign.”

Nu stiu daca este adevarata aceasta gafa de marketing. Nu pot crede ca in momentul in care cineva lanseaza o astfel de promotie nu o lanseaza in baza macar a unei sedinte in care sa se fi discutat ideea si sa se fi aprobat in baza unor calcule logice.

Daca insa este adevarat (in ideea ca sedinta nu a avut loc si “eroul” nostru s-a lansat el in promotie) iarasi ma gandesc ca a fost promovata – din moment ce oamenii stiau sa vina si aveau si bani – macar de un Porsche – ca sa primeasca doua.

Unii scriu pe net (aici) ca e o poveste falsa. Cert este ca domnul a adus multa acoperire media pentru Porsche. Si pentru el.

Si la fel de cert este ca inainte de a face sau de a spune ceva trebuie sa si gandesti. Iar daca nu esti sigur de un anumit aspect, cere sfatul cuiva.


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