Clienti mari sau mici? Autohtoni sau internationali? Multi sau “cati se pot duce”?
|Este imposibil atunci cand cunosti oameni si afaceri sa nu observi si abordarile de business ale directorilor companiilor.
Ai ocazia astfel sa vezi daca respectiva companie lucreaza cu clienti mari (peste 100 de angajati) sau daca se orienteaza catre clienti de mai mici dimensiuni. Constati de asemenea daca este mai interesat sa castige clienti internationali sau se axeaza pe a face lucruri deosebite pentru cei locali.
Cand se realizeaza o analiza de afaceri – si mai ales un plan de afaceri – este de dorit sa fie luate in calcul cat mai multe variante. E clar ca o perioada orice firma inseamna recuperare investitie. Cat dureaza insa aceasta? Unii spun ca o firma devine productiva cam in 2 ani (daca “patronul” nu are clienti foarte mari de la bun inceput).
Important in alegerea clientilor este si timpul care se doreste a fi alocat – a lucra in acelasi timp pentru clienti din Romania si din SUA inseamna program prelungit avand in vedere diferenta de fus orar.
Un alt criteriu sunt fireste si banii obtinuti – multi spun ca cei din afara sunt mai buni platnici si de asemenea accepta si preturi putin mai mari.
Desigur si investitia necesara participarii la diverse evenimente la care participa astfel de potentiali clienti – evenimente din Romania si internationale – trebuie luata in calcul.
In final conteaza sa stii foarte bine ce iti doresti (apropo de o insemnare a lui Filip), sa fii consecvent in alegere si mai ales sa nu iti depasesti limitele. Daca stii ca a ta firma poate duce 6 clienti, atunci este de dorit sa ai 6 – nu 10.
Politica de afaceri este asadar una peste care nu trebuie sa se treaca usor cu vederea. Daca de exemplu ai o companie ce ofera consultanta si servicii intr-un anumit domeniu, si exista un departament comercial si desigur departamente care asigura prestarea serviciilor in cauza, atunci este de dorit ca numarul de clienti adusi de comercial sa fie in concordanta cu numarul de clienti de care se pot ocupa si carora le pot fi oferite servicii de calitate de catre ceilalti angajati.
Din pacate sunt sigura ca unii dintre cei ce citesc aceste randuri sunt in postura de clienti care din pacate nu au avut parte de servicii de inalta calitate si la timp – pentru ca prestatorul are prea multi clienti. La fel altii se regasesc in postura de persoane cu functii de decizie, care au luat deja anumite hotarari de afaceri si care acum probabil analizeaza consecintele.
E important insa – atunci cand esti sef – sa te mai opresti uneori pentru cateva clipe si sa incerci sa afli care este parerea clientilor, cat de multumiti sunt si daca se respecta termenele precizate. La fel este important sa incercati sa aflati daca angajatii sunt multumiti de locul de munca.
Dar este vineri. Si s-ar putea ca multi sa nu aiba prea multa vreme pentru meditat. Asa ca ma opresc aici si sper ca am reusit sa ii fac pe multi sa se gandeasca la aspectele prezentate.
Then I gasped even louder as he slowly pulled the supporting cube out from under her elbow so that she was floating in midair.
“The curtain closes,” Angelina laughed, “and the crowd leaves, happily pleased. As we do, maestro. You are really great, the Great Grissini.”
understand, but very effective if two men were in love with the same woman-and she loved them both as well. Firm of mind, Sybil had passed through the portal and Sybil and Sybill had turned. They had tossed a coin to see who got the extra 1. This had all ended in a very festive marriage indeed. We were most happy to see Sybil joyously married to James, while Sybill was happily ensconced in Bolivar’s arms. It had been a very neat solution to what could have been a rather serious problem.
“The bonds?”
“There is fresh coffee there on the table.”
“Who are you?” he snarled at Bolivar.
“Alive not dead. In one piece.”
“Yes. But very weak, rapid and irregular.”
“Hi, Dad,” he finally said. “I wasn’t sure it was you at first-nice new face you have there. But I recognized you from the back when you walked out. It is really great to see you.”
“Bring us up to speed,” I said.
“You are not the police,” Angelina said.
“Planning a trip?” I asked.
“Too early for you to get tucked into the sauce, Jim. First we find your magician.”
“Paka, you are not a very efficient liar. Besides, I have had a tap on your phone for quite a while. I heard you arrange to pick up a certain individual.”
And he had not seen me!
If this didn’t stop the police-it at least slowed them down while we climbed out of the window. He bent the bars back into shape behind us, then went to open the door. We left.
“I would be more pleased if you hadn’t seen fit to cut off all communication.”
All thought of economic ambiguities vanished when I returned to our dressing room, where Angelina was examining herself in the full-length mirror.
There was the answer in the sky.
His eyes did a good job of boring holes into my skull. I blew on my fingernails, then buffed them on my shirt. I won the waiting game.
There were more like this. The audience loved it; which told me a lot about the inhabitants of Fetorr. I found that a little repulsion went a long way. Still, I hoped that it would never stop. For every minute that passed drew me one minute closer. to my stage debut. Could I appeal to this audience? It was too late to put a little blood and slime into my routines. It would have to be magic, pure and simple.
“The value of your craft has already been credited to your highly secret, known to no one, account in the Banco di NAPSLO. And as some recompense for hardship I do hope that you will be my guests at dinner tonight at the Earth light Room. Just tell the maitre d’ to bill Kaia’s account. You will dine as you have never dined before.”
“A delivery. A large crate from Prosper Electronics.”
I was very much in agreement-but felt that I had to at least attempt to be cheerful.”
“You’re late.”
way. I had to move the trunk a bit before I would fit behind it. There was a horrid grating sound when I pushed on it. Apparently not heard in the hall. I slipped behind it just as the door was flung open and the light came on.
It worked a wonder. A different me stared back out of the cracked mirror. Well, at least I did not have to worry about the police anymore. Chaise was enough to keep my worrier going full time.
“None,” I answered. “We undertake to undertake an assignment at the agreed fee, payment to be deposited daily to my account. Fine. But what is it that you want us to do?”
But it also triggered all the pent-up rage generated by the impossible situation that I was in. Trained reflexes took over. He was above me-a kick to the knee brought him down to my level. As he went by my elbow hit his solar plexus knocking the wind out of him. He was out of the fight and I should have left it there: the strength of my anger almost ended the matter in tragedy.
“You are,” he snarled, pushing me in the chest. Normally I would have dropped him for this, but now I was just playing for time. I moved back hesitantly and he smiled. “You were in the presence of a known criminal early this evening.”
It was late morning before we left. Angelina and I went out first, me with the computer and her leading Gloriana. Bolivera slipping out of our suite as soon as we signaled him that the hallway was clear. He waited for the second elevator since we were sure to be followed. We were. We ignored the tails and hailed a cab to take us to the circus.
“Stop that!” I shouted and instantly regretted it as the steel band clamped hard around my head. Eased as the grating stopped.
“Sorry-there are thousands of inhabited worlds out there.”
“Almost dawn. He sure put in a long day at the bank “
Instead of screaming out loud and rushing to escape I stared at him with the same cold glare he was using on me. “What in the world are you talking about?”
“Is this the way you treat a loyal employee?” I said as I pushed myself up from the floor and sat down in the chair.
There-on the far wall-was the exit the tour would be taking soon. I moved slowly in that direction. Turned as though I were looking at the display. And shuffled backwards at the same time. Until I was in the hallway. No one was looking in my direction, and the crowd hid me from sight of the entrance hall. I turned and walked calmly around a bend and out of sight.
When I answered her I had to speak through grated teeth. “I have never been so insulted in my life. Not only rejected but sneered at, put down, derided, despised. . .”
I opened gritty eyes to see the loathsome form of Chaise standing over me, hands filled with printouts from the news channel. He threw them onto my chest. I plucked at them feebly.
“Me diGriz. Who you?”
Cheered on by this hearty interplay I went out into the rain again. Was it stopping? Hard to say with the wind blowing water in all directions.
“That’s good news.”
“Try not to be so tiresome, Jim. I am not talking about intelligent robots. I am talking about brainless machines that have been carefully programmed. Go with Igor. He has the plans and instructions for your first assignment. The first thing that you will do is to complete the operation where my own bank was broken into.”
“It could also do with a little more free free enterprise, a good bashing for the police bullies, and the introduction of some pollution controls,” I said.
Then the pressure ceased. A mighty hand lifted me and dropped me into the armchair. Vision slowly returned to reveal the monster sitting quietly before me. It spoke.
“Now choose a card, any card, that’s it. Look at it. Right.”
“What criminal? I was just searching the public records. Is that against the law?”
And then the last line.