Castigati 5 carti de la Polirom si PRwave
|Editura Polirom si PRwave va invita la un nou concurs.
5 premii a cate o carte
– Marketingul direct multicanal. Prospectarea, fidelizarea si recistigarea clientului – de Yan Claeyssen, Anthony Deydier, Yves Riquet (lucrare recomandata de PRwave)
va asteapta la un nou concurs ce se desfasoara in perioada 6-20 octombrie 2009.
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a intra in concurs este sa ne raspundeti la trei intrebari care pot fi aflate de pe site.
Va invit pe siteul editurii pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre carte – si apoi, desigur, in cadrul forumului PRwave pentru a participa la concurs.
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On the other hand, A radioactive compound was ever coursing being a their health coming to receptors within his or her thought processes tissues. A sound fulblessed the bedroom once equally the world slid about a doughnut formed gap through a chemistry of the mental performance reader. In the event that ones verification experienced after that looked into, Pink and light green strips been seen intense to their minds, Producing affect..
Last night when Fu Bo appeared at the venue next, “Legal Evening News” reporter noted that is different from the previous game in his dress, a black suit, a dark grey cashmere scarf, this has been a sportswear based coach, in such a way that the game for his meaning something different