P&G a descoperit Facebook-ul, asa ca da afara 1600 de angajati

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P&G a decis sa renunte la 1600 de angajati si sa incerce promovarea pe Facebook si Google+ dupa ce a observat ca ar putea costa totul mult mai putin fata de cat investeste acum in publicitate traditionala.

Stirea a fost facuta publica recent si, intrucat investitiile in publicitate clasica (investitii care se situeaza in jurul sumei de 10 mld/an) au afectat compania, iata o decizie poate surprinzatoare.

CEO-ul Robert McDonald a declarat ca doreste sa mai reduca bugetul de publicitate si ca Facebook si Google se pot dovedi mai eficiente decat publicitatea traditionala, pentru care nu poate mari bugetul in mod constant, indiferent de  vanzari. Ca sa il citam pe Robert McDonald,

“As we’ve said historically, the 9% to 11% range [for advertising as a percentage of sales] has been what we have spent. Actually, I believe that over time, we will see the increase in the cost of advertising moderate. There are just so many different media available today and we’re quickly moving more and more of our businesses into digital. And in that space, there are lots of different avenues available.

In the digital space, with things like Facebook and Google and others, we find that the return on investment of the advertising, when properly designed, when the big idea is there, can be much more efficient. One example is our Old Spice campaign, where we had 1.8 billion free impressions and there are many other examples I can cite from all over the world. So while there may be pressure on advertising, particularly in the United States, for example, during the year of a presidential election, there are mitigating factors like the plethora of media available.”

Gasiti stirea pe Business Insider, dar si un interviu pe Wall Street.

Cum vi se pare aceasta decizie a Procter&Gamble? Credeti ca va fi un succes? Credeti ca si alte companii se vor orienta spre alte media pentru promovare? Ce vor face angajatii concediati?


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