eLiberatica 2008

eLiberatica 2008

Scopul declarat? – “to gather community and business leaders around the world to talk about the hottest Open and Free Technologies topics; you will hear from today�™s experts in various fields of technical and business practice and become part of an event that is far more than a simple conference.”.

PRwave INTERNATIONAL si-a extins in acest an parteneriatul media pe care il are cu trustul Agora si se implica si in promovarea evenimentului eLiberatica cu ambele site-uri: PRwave si PRwave Directory. Ajunsa la a doua editie, aceasta reuniune a oamenilor “cu greutate” in tot ce tine de open source se anunta a fi cel putin la fel de interesanta ca prima.

18-19 mai 2007, Brasov – 2 zile ce au adus prezentari tinute de oameni despre care cei interesati stiau o sumedenie de lucruri dar pe care nu avusesera ocazia de a-i cunoaste. Prezentari ce au atras atentia, voie buna, discutii degajate, cine interesante si evident open source.

30-31 mai 2008 – World Trade Center, Bucuresti – a doua editie a eLiberatica va aduce reprezentanti ai unor companii foarte cunoscute cum sunt: Google Inc. IBM MySQL AB Mozilla Messaging (the latest Mozilla Foundation subsidiary) European Commission Gartner, Inc. Python Software Foundation Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology eZ Systems AS OpenOffice.org Mozilla Foundation Navarik Corp. ActiveState Software Inc. Free Software Foundation Europe APTI Romania (The Association for Internet and Technology) Mozdev Community Organization si multe altele – inclusiv companii locale.

Toti cei interesati asadar de domeniu si tehnologii sunt asadar asteptati. Despre costurile biletelor aflati de pe site-ul oficial al evenimentului.

Ne vedem la World Trade Center!


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