Unde-am pierit?
|Incrancenare. Tristete. Disperare. Nebunie. Hotie. Misto.
Dar unde-i optimismul? Unde-i respectul? Unde-i zambetul? Unde-i rasul cristalin? Unde-a pierit lumina din privire?
In Austria am intalnit o doamna, tanara, ce iesise cu baiatul ei. Mergea in tramvai. Se uita la copil si era toata un zambet. Ochii ii erau luminosi. Indiferent daca al ei copil arunca uneori jucariile pe jos, chiar daca se agita putin, ea zambea si ii vorbea cu drag. Copilul acela nu a plans deloc tot drumul, iar mama era o adevarata placere pentru ochi. Lumina, zambet – fericire. Probabil ca si ea avea problemele ei – nu era imbracata cu cele mai scumpe haine si nu avea cele mai scumpe bijuterii, dar era fericita.
Intr-o discutie cu niste amici a venit vorba despre fericirea sincera a acestei doamne. La care reactia celui caruia ii povesteam a fost: “aia sigur a prizat ceva”.
Chiar nu mai putem fi fericiti daca nu luam ceva?
Da, nu sunt toate roze si problemele par ca ies la tot pasul. Dar daca ramanem incrancenati in griji, nevoi si probleme nici nu vom reusi ca la batranete sa spunem ca am trait cu adevarat.
Ce ne face cu adevarat fericiti? Nu cumva lucruri simple – pentru fiecare?
Ce avem si am uitat sa apreciem? Ce e langa noi in fiecare zi si nu ne bucuram de acel lucru? Pe cine avem langa noi – rude, prieteni – si uitam de ei?
Cand am ras cu pofta ultima oara? Da, nu doar un zambet, ci un ras in hohote, pur si cristalin precum al unui copil. Cand ati ras ultima oara astfel?
Happy face makes happy people. O vorba spusa de multi, demonstrata de cativa si intr-adevar un adevar (ca sa fac si un mic joc de cuvinte). Radeti in ciuda problemelor – la fel cum poate tineti cu o echipa de fotbal in ciuda patronului (:P).
Marti am pozat acest trifoi cu 5 foi. O specie cu zimti pe marginile frunzelor – insa un simbol al norocului (la un click pe poza din aceasta insemnare aveti ocazia de a vedea poza la o dimensiune mai mare). Va doresc tuturor sa aveti parte de noroc in toate. Si de zambete sa aveti parte. Si de fericire adevarata.
Si fiindca apucandu-ma sa scriu aceste randuri mi-am adus aminte de o melodie a unui cunoscut cantaret francez – Charles Aznavour – va fac si o dedicatie muzicala cu atentie la versuri (le puteti vedea aici).
La Boheme
Draga de tine… Ce bucurie mi-ai făcut! După un timp în care am încercat şi eu în felul meu să spun ceva despre bucuria de a scrie, parăsind vremelnic Canapeaua mea comodă… Mulţumesc mult, Lori!
Multumesc! Pentru ca ne aduci aminte de ce uitam cel mai des, micile bucurii din fiecare zi
Bun articolul/insemnarea…
, deseori bucuria imi este intrerupta de vecinii din bloc care: tipa, se cearta, injura, trantesc cate ceva, scuipa etc.
Eu incerc de vreo 2-3 ani sa ma bucur de… maruntisurile vietii. Uneori reusesc
La servici: o colega are obiceiul sa tropaie (sta pe scaun si da din picioare cu pantofii pe podea), un coleg are o melodie preferata si fluiera din juma in juma de ora… DA! Fluiera in birou…
Cand prin momente de liniste “imi iese schema cu bucuratul din lucruri marunte”…
Ma bucur ca v-a placut – atat mesajul cat si, sper eu, melodia.
Sper sa avem mereu puterea de a ne bucura de lucrurile marunte pe care, asa cum bine remarca rast le descoperim atunci cand le simtim lipsa. Poate vom reusi si inainte.
O saptamana minunata tuturor!
“Good thinking, my son. That’s just what we shall do. There is nothing more to be seen outside.”
“He is not. He escaped.”
“Yes, general, we have the evidence. The security on the island was easily penetrated, just as you feared. Inspector Kidogo easily eluded the so-called guards here. He actually entered the nuclear enclosure and photographed everything. And there is more than that, sir. The rumor that we heard, about the scientists here using forced labor for nuclear cleanup is true. They won’t be able to hide that spill any longer. We have the evidence! Yes, sir, thank you, sir. They are all under arrest? Of course. They have no place to run to.” He hung up and glared a very impressive glare.
“Where is who? Bolivar? He is in jail-where your fellow officers took him.”
“What have you done with Igor? He has failed to contact me.”
“But now I have a very troublesome problem that needs to be solved. I look for your aid in that quest.”
“Very possible. That would explain how he put me into that cell while he was working on you back here. I always thought that there was something suspicious about him.”
He thought for a moment, then pointed at Angelina. “The effect is much greater, of course, with a large and threatening animal. However, for demonstration purposes, she will do. Come with me, my dear.”
“Right, good as done.” A few more sips while I was waiting for him to come to the phone. He sounded worried.
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“I will, I promise. Just as soon as we have taken Chaise to the cleaners.”
Muttering complaints I dug the lockpick out and handed it to him. It vanished as did, happily, the gun.
At the same moment that the projectors changed images, the hinged screen dropped down from the trees above and slammed into position. The other walls of the radiation-proof cage were already there, boxing in the armored vehicle. Hidden from sight by the holo projections. As the gate closed the gauss bomb exploded below the money van. I shivered as the magnetic wave surged through me, plucking at the hemoglobin in my blood no doubt. A magnetic surge, even one this strong, wouldn’t hurt a human being.
“You have to. There will not be a second chance. A ticket has been bought for Iba and he has been paid a large bonus. He will be going offplanet today. And don’t forget-remember the video you looked at-that you are what might be called a hostage to fortune.”
My prognostic sniffer was indeed right. Three large and burleys filled the hall outside when I opened the door.
“I hear the words,” Angelina said, “but I am afraid that I don’t see the results that you financial geniuses seem to be so excited about.”
“Where is who? Bolivar? He is in jail-where your fellow officers took him.”
“Correct,” he said.
“No. He sleeps in the truck. He prefers it that way.”
“Easy? Excuse me if you think that I am acting like a moron this morning. That is only because I feel like one. What did you see when you were landing this morning?”
“About Angelina-“
Had I been mad to write this kind of nonsense for the fake reviews? My sins were coming back to haunt me.
“And what does myself tell you?”
“I’m not sure,” she said, pirouetting prettily before the mirror. “Maybe the green one. . .”
“Fine. Now I am going to get something to eat, then get me some sleep.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that, but things here look plenty black at this time.”
“Congratulations,” Bolivar said. “It sounds so insane that it has to work.”
Analysts, including Credit Suisse’s Omar Saad, are expecting the company to pursue strategic options for some of its underperforming brands.
A low fare AA? Not long after saying American wouldn’t go that route, CEO may be having a change of mind. He told industry analysts the low cost operations appeal mostly to leisure passengers, but American needs “our fair share of every leisure passenger, too,” The New York Times (free registration) reports. “We cannot have a disproportionate focus on business travelers at the expense of leisure passengers.” Arpey said he’s not sure how much more revenue he can squeeze from the network compared with low cost discounters, The Dallas Morning News (free registration) quotes him as saying. American’s recovery plan is predicated on getting 30% more revenue per passenger than discounters. Arpey wouldn’t commit to that figure at the conference.
Before Lee Jeong yeon, 32, and his wife opened Dami approximately two and a half years ago, they started out by selling their wares on the street.
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