Doar 1% din fanii paginilor Facebook interactioneaza online cu brandurile

Intr-un articol publicat pe 27 ianuarie pe AdAge se arata faptul ca studii recente subliniaza ca nivelul de interactiune al fanilor cu paginile brandurilor este extrem de mic. In fapt, doar 1% din fani interactioneaza pe Facebook cu paginile.

Studiul realizat de Institutul Ehrenberg-Bass din Australia a luat in calcul statisticile oferite de Facebook grupate sub denumirea “People Talking About This”. Au urmarit asadar like-urile, postarile, tag-urile, share-urile, comentariile si toate modurile in care fanii pot interactiona cu paginile brandurilor.

Ca sa citam din articol:

“Researchers for the institute looked at this metric as a proportion of overall fan growth of the top 200 brands on Facebook over a six-week period back in October and they found the percentage of People Talking About This to overall fans to be 1.3%. If you subtract new likes, which only requires a click and in the minds of the researchers are akin to TV ratings, and isolate for more engaged forms of interaction, you’re left within an even smaller number: 0.45%. That means less than half a percent of people who identify themselves as like a brand actually bother to create any content around it.”.

Procentul de 1% nu i-a speriat insa si nici nu se considera a fi o problema. Parerea unora este ca paginile sunt inca la inceput si ca atare este cumva firesc. Mai mult, se considera ca pe Facebook important este acel “reach” – la cati oameni ajungi. Cu alte cuvinte, se intelege, ar conta numarul fanilor.

Un alt studiu amintit in articol si realizat Ms. Nelson-Field.

“In that study, she used web-based consumer panels to examine the behavior of Facebook fans of two unnamed repeat-purchased brands, in the chocolate and soft-drink categories. The key finding was a much greater occurrence of heavy buyers in the Facebook population than in a more general population of customers. The study also found that purchase frequency didn’t increase after someone became a fan.”.

Concluzia ar fi oarecum clara: paginile Facebook au rolul lor si ajuta in comunicare si diseminarea mesajelor insa nu trebuie sa fie considerate canal unic de creare a unor legaturi – fie si online – cu clientii/consumatorii si potentialii clienti/consumatori.

Voi ce parere aveti despre acest procent? Si, mai important, voi interactionati cu paginile unor firme/produse etc.?


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