Cand e ploaie in Bucuresti…
|… cedeaza toate.
Aceasta e impresia pe care o ai observand ce se intampla de fiecare data cand avem parte de un mic episod tip ploaie de vara sau mini-furtuna.
Se inunda strazile.
Pica energia electrica in anumite zone.
Anumite posturi de televiziune nu mai pot fi receptionate.
Mijloacele de transport in comun au probleme – mai ales cele dependente de curent. Si daca se blocheaza un tramvai pe sine le tine pe toate celelalte in loc.
Anumiti copaci cad peste masini parcate sau aflate in trafic.
Ce pagube au fost astazi pe la voi?
Cand va fi mai bine oare?
Insemnari similare
trebuie sa intelegem. ploaia e un fenomen extraordinar, care nu se intampla in bucuresti decat putin mai des decat in sahara. autoritatile sunt tot timpul socate de aparitia ploii in sezonul cald sau a zapezii pe timp de iarna. fiind un fenomen atat de rar, este de asteptat ca ploaia sa produca pagube, si mai ales sa nu se ia masuri. iti dai seama ce s-ar fi intamplat daca am fi fost pozitionati geografic in locul olandei?…
Ultimul post al costina: Cine nu voteaza nu conteaza. Dar cine voteaza?..
Probabil aveam barci si nu masini 🙂
Red bottom shoes are well known all across the globe. The original creator of these extraordinary style of shoes was Christian Louboutin. These days there are many companies that are making elegant women’s shoes, along with the distinct red sole. These types of shoes are one of the trendiest shoes around, which is apparent from their outstanding demand! Women love to shop for these cheap red bottom shoes, and these shoes usually are in demand during the time of year while they are at a price reduction. However, the common trend is that these shoes aren’t on a discount during the holiday seasons when people love to go shopping for themselves as well as their family.