Angajat – Freelancer/Afacere proprie – … angajat?!?
|Dintr-un motiv sau altul de-a lungul timpului multi au decis sa nu mai fie angajati.
Calea aleasa? In functie de posibilitati, dorinte si preferinte.
Pe de o parte ii avem pe freelanceri – persoane ce lucreaza pe cont propriu si se implica in diverse proiecte. Stiu chiar si in PR freelanceri care au cativa clienti sau doar unul mai mare – insa care le ocupa suficient timp si le aduc banii necesari lunar.
De cealalta parte ii avem pe cei ce au o afacere proprie, fie ca au inceput ca freelanceri si au dezvoltat ulterior afacerea, fie ca s-au lansat de la bun incep ca un business de sine statator.
A venit insa criza.
Aceasta a fost de la bun inceput – sau ulterior pe parcursul lui 2009 – un punct de cotitura pentru afaceri. Asa se face ca unele companii au decis internalizarea anumitor operatiuni ce erau externalizate in alti ani (inclusiv PRul in unele firme). Consecinta fireasca este aceea ca unii au ramas fara sau cu mai putini clienti.
Criza (dar nu doar ea) a adus si intarzieri [mai mari] in realizarea platilor. Stiu caz in care o firma trebuia sa dea la furnizori 18 000 euro si avea de primit de la client 20 000 euro. Numai ca din pacate clientul n-a platit (e proces pe rol) iar acea firma nu a avut ce bani sa dea furnizorilor si ca atare s-a creat un intreg lant al slabiciunilor… pardon platilor. Acea firma a mai avut si altii care au uitat sa plateasca – de tot sau la timp – asa ca… lucrurile nu stau foarte bine. Anul acesta proprietarul firmei s-a vazut in situatia de a-i opri functionarea. Nu mai avea nici bani de acasa de adus – si pana nu se rezolva cu acele procese… lucrurile nu sunt deloc roz.
Acesta este desigur doar un exemplu – pentru ca sunt multe cele pe care le vad in jurul meu. Cunosc si freelanceri care aveau 1-2 clienti si care acum au ajuns in postura de a nu avea niciun ban.
Cel putin in cazul freelancerului de care aminteam anterior solutia e reangajarea. De altfel el isi cauta de zor un loc de munca.
Nu e o persoana fericita la acest gand. Stie de ce a ales sa plece pe cont propriu si isi da seama ca postura de acum nu e deloc una fericita sau care sa il avantajeze. Faptul ca a plecat dar a dat gres (asa e privit) le ofera angajatorilor un soi de atu in negociere (da, i s-a spus acest lucru). Cumva cu substratul “vezi ca tot ai nevoie de un loc de munca”. Norocul lui e ca nu a plecat cu scandal si ca nu a vorbit niciodata de rau fostul loc de munca. De asemenea cei de acolo nu au avut nimic cu el si nu i-au pus bete in roate de vreun fel.
Nu este insa doar cazul acelei persoane. Sunt multi cei ce acum isi cauta loc undeva dupa ce au vrut sa fie singuri sau stapani. Reacomodarea la pozitia de angajat ce are sefi iarasi nu e una usoara (uneori pentru nicuna dintre parti).
Altii isi unesc afacerile. Frati sau cunostinte ce aveau afaceri separate si care acum nu mai merg la fel de bine aleg sa le uneasca sub o umbrela – platind astfel dari la stat doar pentru o companie si adunand mai multe arii de experienta si mai multi clienti potentiali si cu care s-a colaborat in timp. Aici iarasi exista anumite riscuri intrucat vorbim de oameni, de interese si de bani (si stiti cum e… uneori e totul pana la bani). Solutia pare potrivita acum – ramane ca viitorul sa arate daca a fost inspirata sau nu pentru fiecare caz in parte (da, exista diferente firesti ce tin de oameni, domenii etc.).
Cei cu afaceri si carora acum nu le mai merge bine trec de la postura de manager cu x angajati la postura de freelancer – in incercarea de a-si pastra totusi independenta. Desigur aceasta migrare presupune si noi responsabilitati asumate.
Iata asadar trasee posibile. Cert ramane un lucru: dorinta si urarea de succes in afaceri!
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Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a term for any kind of
company, or commercial trade, that involves the transfer of information across
the Net. It covers a range of different types of companies, from
consumer based retail sites, through music or auction sites, to business exchanges trading goods and services between corporations.
It is currently among the most crucial facets of the Web to emerge.
Ecommerce permits consumers to exchange goods and services with no obstacles of time
or space. Electronic commerce has grown rapidly in the
last five years and is forecast to keep on at this rate, or even accelerate.
In the near future the borders between “normal” and “electronic” business will become increasingly blurred as increasingly more companies move sections of their operations onto the Web.
Business to Business or B2B refers to electronic commerce between companies rather than between a
small business and also a consumer. B2B businesses often deal with hundreds if not thousands of other
businesses, either as customers or suppliers. Carrying out these transactions electronically
supplies vast competitive advantages over conventional
methods. Ecommerce is generally faster, cheaper and
much more suitable compared to the original methods of bartering goods and services, when implemented correctly.
Electronic transactions have been in existence for quite some time in the form of Electronic Data Interchange or EDI.
The street to developing a successful online store may be
challenging if unaware of ecommerce principles and what ecommerce
is designed to do for your online business. Studying and understanding the guidelines required to correctly execute an e-business strategy is a crucial
part to becoming successful with online store building.
What do you really need to get an online store and just what is a shopping cart?
While there are various forms of applications which you can use turnkey solutions are shown to be an economical
approach edit to assemble and maintain an online store.
How do on-line shopping carts differ from those
discovered in a supermarket? The image is one of an invisible
shopping cart. You enter an online store, see a product that satisfies your demand
and you also put it into your virtual shopping basket. You click checkout and
finish the trade by giving payment info, when you’re through browsing.
To begin an online business it’s a good idea to locate
a niche merchandise that consumers have trouble finding in department stores or malls.
Also take transportation into consideration. Then you require
an ecommerce enabled site. This can either be an existing site to
which you’ll be able to add ecommerce shopping cart capabilities, or a new website developed from scratch.
The following step, you will need a way of taking payments that are online.
This typically entails obtaining a merchant account and accepting bank cards through a web-based payment gateway (some
smaller sites stick with simpler methods of accepting payments including
Lastly, you have a need for a marketing strategy for driving targeted traffic to a
means of enticing repeat customers plus your website. If you’re new to ecommerce
keep things simple- understand your limits.
Ecommerce can be a really rewarding venture, but
you cannot earn money overnight. We hope our online ecommerce tutorial has helped your company make a better
choice in choosing an online shopping cart for your ecommerce shop.
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